Page 19 - LEDinART1_2014
P. 19
desiGn & enerGy savinG
The choice of LED as a source is the only one that can achieve such a result, equal
to highly eficient energy use and lexibility of three-dimensional shapes.
Compared to the use of halogen lighting units, this is the only alternative answer that
would keep to the quality of light and its chromatic yield, especially its smaller size
of lighting units, and energy saving equal to at least 80% (based on current efficiency
of LED and halogen sources).
This reduction in Watts not only has an effect on energy saving but also on the size
of air conditioning plant needed to cool an increased amount of energy emitted.
The use of LED lighting in comparison with halogen requires, therefore, less
maintenance and substitution of sources.
by the London architectural studio, a continual
collaboration between those who created the store was
needed, including a scale model 1:1 mock-up and constant
monitoring of all the project construction stages with
systematic ine-tuning.
The opportunity to design products and LED strips
1 The Stuart Weitzman store
lighting project
according to each customer’s lighting design needs
instead of using standard products enabled the use of
2 The detail of a shoe enlighted
a selection of different LED types in the lighting bodies,
by the sophisticated system
masters and strip, rather than just the same warm- of LED lighting
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