Page 35 - LEDinART1_2014
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leds for the sistine Chapel masterpiece
sram is equipping the Sistine Chapel onwards, enabling the world-famous works of
inart to be shown to greatest effect. The colour walmarT Chooses
eFFiCienT liGhTinG
solution. After 500 years, the art-historically spectrum was custom-adapted on a scientiic
outstanding works can now be viewed to basis and with high precision to the colour
a level of precision unique until now. In pigments of the paintings, for example to the By installing 18-watt LED lights
instead of conventional luorescent
addition, 60% less power is consumed pigments in the Michelangelo frescoes. lighting, Walmart Canada estimates
compared to the existing lighting installation. The highly precise guiding of light ensures it will reduce overall energy
consumption at the store by 28%.
that the art is uniformly illuminated, and
Around 7,000 LEDs will homogeneously without glare for visitors. The luminaires are In addition to using less energy, LED
to be installed away from view below the lights produce less heat and will
illuminate the Sistine Chapel from next year reduce the need for air conditioning
windows to make sure that light is emitted in which will further lower energy
the same direction as the natural daylight. consumption.
Combined, these energy saving
The conservational aspect, meaning measures will reduce energy
consumption by approximately
protection of the art works, played an 189,000 kWh annually at the store,
especially important role during the planning rsulting in a savings of approxima-
of the project, and the new LED solution is etely $18,000 per year.
significantly gentler and more caring than all
alternative artificial forms of light. Illuminance
of approximately 50 to 100 lux (previously +400% For led
5 to 10 lux) ensures that the art can be sTreeT liGhTinG
clearly discerned, but with as little ageing as
possible. In its latest “Outdoor Roadway
and Area LED Lighting Market
report”, Strategies Unlimited
This pilot project, named LED4Art, is forecasts the global outdoor LED
subsidised by the European Program PSP-
CIP with the aim of demonstrating new lighting market will reach $1.9
billion by 2017. This trend will
possibilities for LED technology with regard continue as LED street light
to energy efficiency and improved quality of installations are forecasted to
grow by 400% in the next ive
light. In addition to the project coordinator years, although revenue growth
Osram, other partners involved are the
will be less substantial due to the
University of Pannonia in Hungary, the Institut saturated market driving prices
de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya in Spain downward.
and Fabertechnica in Italy.
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