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•	Constant	Voltage/Constant	 in rispetto degli standard 
Current nello stesso alimenta- europei per le armoniche 
•	Certiicazione	UL	Class	2  Classe C 

The Elint Consortium acts in the SSL 
(Solid State Lighting) and Electronics area Excelsys Recom Lighting 
to promote products and applications 
Elint is a member of Federexport-Confindustria 
and actively cooperates with several public Presentato da Distribuito da 
Institutions for matters regarding export. PEI-Genesis Arrow Electronics 

Mouser Electronics 
Fairs & Events LeD driver aC/DC con 
Richardson RFPD 
The forums have been selected by The Elint Consortium holds more than 12  dimming 3 in 1 RS Components 
International Fairs & Events and many in-depth workshops. Rutronik 
associations in UK, China,  
South Africa and Tunisia, ILLUMINOTRONICA 
Is the international event annually organized 
thanks to “plus” of their format by  Elint and devoted to manufacturers, lighting 
 designers, SSL electronic engineers, who LeD driver aC Direct 
manage drive and control, LED/OLED di magnachip 
components, products, applications and 
Quality lighting systems. Il brand coreano magnachip ha 
Impartial contents, selected and realizzato una nuova famiglia 
managed by a technical director under Fortronic 
International events with UK, China, Tunisia recom Lighting ha introdotto di LED driver AC direct nelle 
the association committee control and South Africa partners. una nuova serie di LED driver da conigurazioni: AC direct, Flicker 
45W e 60W a corrente costante. free e Dimmable. Le ridotte 
Le serie raCD45-a e raCD60-a dimensioni in un package ul- 
The best balance between Publishing sono caratterizzate dalla funzio- tracompatto 6x6 QFN a 12 pin 
cost and contact Magazines and Directories. 
ne di dimming 3 in 1: possono permettono un elevato grado di 
Share withus Idea Newsletter essere pilotati con un segnale industrializzazione del prodotto 
Quarterly newsletter covering market 
 Active cooperation between statistics and projects sent to an analogico (1-10V), con un se- inito che, unito al fatto che 
organizers international mailing list. gnale digitale PWM o a mezzo non è richiesto trasformatore, 
and participants on common Forum & Conferences resistenza esterna. Essendo permette la riduzione dei costi 
promotional activities 
Milan, Rome, Turin, Padua, Florence IP67	i	prodotti	sono	protetti	da	 del prodotto inito e dell’appli- 
and Bologna. polvere e umidità, e sono ideali cazione inale. I LED driver sono 
Tutorial Web 
High -  per ambienti industriali o esterni realizzati per ridurre le emissioni così come in ambienti umidi qua- EMI, e presentano un’efficienza 
i aon speciic application aspects maggiore	del	90%,	con	distorsio- 
TRAINING li bagni e scantinati. 
ne	armonica	minore	del	20%. 
Courses •	Range	di	tensione	in	ingresso	 
Specialized courses (funded and custom) 
covering LED technology and LED lighting da 90VAC a 305VAC 
for overseas applications. •	4	differenti	modelli	con	 

Award correnti	di	uscita	da	700mA	 
Ecohitech, LEDin and Codega Awards a	1850mA	per	RACD45-A	e	 
dedicated to Lighting Designers and da 1050mA a 4200mA per 
Engineers for design, technology and 
eco-eficiency innovation. RACD60-A 
European Collective •	Classe	2,	temperatura	operati- 
Warranty Mark LUMED 
Lumed is promoted and realized by Assodel / va da -30°C a 65°C, eficienza Magnachip 
Elint based on the Project of Internationa- superiore	all’87% 
lization Technologies and Applications 
SSL approved by •	Basso	valore	di	THD	ed	eccel- 
lente	PFC	(>0.98	a	120VAC,	 Presentato da 
Law 134/2012-DM22-DDG January 11, 2013 Italian Ministry of Economic Development. >0.93 a 240VAC e >0.9 at Starday 
Italian Association of Electronic Suppliers 
The Collective Mark Lumed aims to ensure 277VAC).	 
safety in the purchase of SSL products. •	Funzioni	di	protezione	contro	 
nuovi driver LeD: 
corto circuito, sovratensione e sovratemperatura HVG-65 e HVGC-65 

•	Certiicati	UL8750	e	EN61347,	 I nuovi driver LED HVG-65 e 

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