Page 40 - AVE_4-2014
P. 40
Internatial Di
onsof Electronics Association
will impact other
by Robin Gray
President and CEO ECIA
It is also possible that the number of industry
standards will be incorporated standards and government
into procurement regulations regulations are in
and requirements of the U.S. development in the united States
Department of Defense (DoD). in response to the growing
DoD has inalized a soon-to-be threat of counterfeit electronic
published rule implementing its components. While these
anti-counterfeiting procurement standards and regulations are
practices. U.S.-centric, the impact is global
Among the likely requirements in because many businesses sell
the rule is a rule that companies in the global marketplace.
selling to the DoD should have Global businesses are likely to
counterfeit avoidance policies. low-down u.S. requirements
Consorzio DoD recently announced across the electronics supply
di attività e servizi
that it will begin rule-making chain. Consequently, distributors
per Associazioni proceedings to deine the term in other countries should pay
e gruppi d’imprese attention to these developments.
“trusted supplier”.
“ Distributor in SAE International, a standards-
sother countries should setting organization for the
aerospace and automotive
pay attention to these
developments industries, has been working on
”a number of standards for the
avoidance, detection, mitigation
A joint SAE-JEDEC committee and disposition of fraudulent/
has already begun work in counterfeit electronic parts.
developing a “trusted supplier” These standards include:
standard in anticipation of the AS5553 - which applies to oEMS
DoD rule-making. and users
AS6081 - which applies
ECIA is an active participant and to Independent
leader in all these endeavors. Distributors/Brokers
ECIA charged the SAE AS6496 - which applies to
Subcommittee that developed Authorized Distributors
the standard for authorized AS6171 - which applies to
distributors (AS6496) and has Test laboratories of
representatives on other SAE Electronics
subcommittees and the joint SAE-
JEDEC Committee. These standards will initially have
In addition, ECIA iled comments widespread use among aerospace
when DoD published its draft companies in purchasing
regulation. electronic companies. However,
as the requirements “low down”
For more information about ECIA’s the supply chain, they are likely
anti-counterfeiting: to spread to other industries and impact the buying and selling of electronic components.