Page 43 - AVE_4-2014
P. 43


Internatial Di
onsof Electronics Association 

India focusing on Electronics The EDF (Electronic Development 

Fund) policy has the transformational 

potential as it unleashes the r&D and 
for economic progress innovation potential of the country 

INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONICS  institutions. Without the industry 
aggressively pursuing the agenda of 
innovation, it is unlikely that our goal 

•  M/s HSMC Technologies done.  The process of selection of of vibrant ESDM ecosystem can be by Rajoo Goel               
India Pvt. Ltd. (with ST Consultants to appraise the DPrs realized. Elcina 
Microelectronics and Silterra is underway as is the process to  
Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. as partners) empanel top legal irms for advising The most critical area which needs 

the Department of Electronics & IT on development and incentives is that 
After a complex selection process, the legal agreements which would be 
of electronic components. India 
letters of intent have been issued signed by the two consortia. produces less than 20% of the 

to the two consortia. The final Modiied Special Incentive Package components that its equipment 
agreements are expected to is continuously attracting investments manufacturers require and there 

T   be signed by August 2014. An and New Greenield Electronic is a very high market potential 
helectrEmpowered Committee of the Manufacturing Clusters are under for investment in this segment. 

hasdergoing Government of India consisting development. The Compulsory Components are truly the building 
aof top bureaucrats and technical Standards order has come into blocks of the electronics industry. 

Change is never easy and quite experts has been authorized to take effect, creating a framework for Now that we have started receiving 
often a precursor to growth and all decisions to implement these standards in electronics in the good response from oEMs, we 
di atività e servizdevelopment. India has finally FAB projects in furtherance of the country. need to give focused attention to 
awoken to the importance of the decision. 
tper Associazioni componer “Last year, nvestment 
e gruppi d’imprese Electronic Systems Design  The union Government Cabinet verticals. 
& Manufacturing (ESDM) sector iin two Semiconductor 
(comprising of Senior Ministers 
for spurring its manufacturing sector of Government of India) also There is a huge demand supply Wafer Fabs was 

and is looking at innovative ways decided that all other known gap in all segments… passive, approved by the Central 
to accelerate growth of its fledgling Semiconductor Fabrication units active, electromechanical, PCBs Government  
electronics industry. The National may be appropriately and fully and of course semiconductors. 
Policy on Electronics 2012, has apprised of the quantum of subsidy Some of the recent developments This is the opportune time for global 

laid the foundation of a robust policy and other benefits being offered for in India include the Electronics leaders in electronic components 
framework which has revived hope  establishing FAB facilities in India Development Fund (EDF) Policy, the to take advantage of this massive 

in the sector. to keep the process transparent.  National Electronics Commission, opportunity. 
No new proposal was received National Centers of Excellence 
“The Indian Electroics 
for setting up of a FAB as per in large Area Electronics and in ELCINA is organizing the 5th edition 
nindustry has been 
Expression of Interest requirements. Devices for Homeland Security, of Strategic Electronics Summit- 
The steps taken pursuant to the Incentive scheme for manufacture of Defence & Aerospace on 30th and undergoing a 
tumultuous change  
aforesaid union Government Cabinet ITA products in Domestic Tariff A31st July 2014 at Bangalore (India) ”
decision have doubly assured the (DTA) areas, leveraging defense which offers an opportunity to players 

last year, investment in two transparency of the entire process requirements to develop domestic from this sector to interact with the 
Semiconductor Wafer Fabs and also ensured a level playing ield. capabilities in electronics. These are defence establishment and large 

was approved by the Central but a few of the important initiatives buyers in India and also ind sources 
Government. This decision is historic As a next step, the two consortia that India is moving ahead with. for their products. 

and has the potential to change the will be required to submit Detailed However, if we were to pick one item 
landscape and revive a sluggish Project Reports (DPRs) of their for immediate decision, it would be 
For furter information: 
electronics industry in the country. projects within four weeks of the the EDF Policy. 
These FAB units are to be set up  
issue of letter of Intent. The DPr 
by two business consortia: will be appraised by Department 

•  m/s Jaiprakash associates of Electronics & IT (DeitY) through 
Limited (with IBM, uSA and Tower selected Consultants and thereafter 

Semiconductor limited, Israel as necessary legal documental and 
partners) signing of agreements would be

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