Page 46 - AVE5-2014
P. 46
onof Electronics Association
What use is Big Data for distribution?
by Wolfram Ziehfuss
Executive Director
FBDi e.V.
companies meet with
orders, requests, complaints,
current stock levels, open di attività e servizi
purchase orders, outgoing
deliveries. adding to this is more es e gruppi d’imprese
information from marketing,
websites, Google campaigns, analysis. as a result, probable requirements at the product the phenomenon. “It is sufficient if
level (material data, traceability,
and other sources. those who market developments can the algorithms can work through
manage to make sense of this be predicted more precisely. compliance) are exploding available information and identify
data and efficiently use it can customers will beneit from through so many legal or patterns that can be used for
not only better manage their greater product availability and customer-specific needs and in business models”.
offerings but also improve their service delivery. In addition such a way that the complexity the marketing strategies of
customer value in the long run, companies expect advantages of data analysis is increasing big Data giants Google and
or so the promise of Big Data. in strategic decision making significantly. Here it is less Amazon follow this principle.
based on data analysis. about benefits and more about
Psychology no longer matters
today data analysis software problem avoidance. because potential customers can
“Data management
tools and algorithms help be arithmetically identified by the
companies better manage ALgOrITHMS rATHEr page-rank algorithm. “Google
THAN gUT FEELINg? requirements at the
stocking quantities and to this day is proud of its own product level (material
reduce inventory backlogs. relying on big Data alone is not ignorance about advertising“, says
sufficient, as Professor Doctor data, traceability,
Distributors, for example, can bolz. “The motto is: We do not compliance) are
place orders commensurate Norbert Bolz (tu bknow what advertising is and how
with actual conditions and clear at the IDEA / FBDi 2013 it works; we just need enough ”
thereby significantly increase Trend Days in Munich (www. data”.
proits. In the future, customer Whether that is “Big Data“ is a
and industry data will enable matter of personal judgment. In the end it is not mechanically EMOTIONS STOP
real-time market and product However, data management analysed data, rather our INFOrMATION PrOCESSINg
emotions that guide us in
algorithms however cannot solve all
making complex decisions. problems. Which data are important
“The revolutionary idea behind
and which are not important? When
Big Data is that we no longer is there enough information to
need to understand what is make decision? answers are found
happening“, as bolz outlines beyond the world of computers in