Page 35 - AVE2_2014
P. 35
n° 1 - 2014 News
European market
Feb-Mar 2014
4 - What an interesting year
2013 has been! Turning Point
8 - Minimizing the risk
of Counterfeit Electronics
around us: self-driving cars, transport drones 9 - News from Sweden 2013 – The year of Smartphones and
etc., etc. Intel’s vision of convergence Tablets. Never before has the industry
11 - Russian market
propagated back in the early 90s has Preliminary results sold so many devices of these two major
become true - there is no clear platform
communications platforms. Amazing, but
structure anymore - Mainframe, Midrange, 13 - Fortronic International
PCs, Notebook, Tablet, Smartphone, Car, what has this to do with components and
distribution? Everything! A look ahead
Industrial Control Unit. The consumer
behavior commands all sorts of new
solutions everywhere that mix and combine
what is necessary to prevail. And what
the future brings we know as well as the ASSOCIATIONS by Georg Steinberger
music industry knew the iPod before Apple. Chairman FBi e.
Nevertheless, the new era eats former DV. Chairman DMASS Ltd.
platform leaders for breakfast. AAssociation of Distributors
of Electronic Components “There isno area
AssAssociation of Suppliers of in our daily lives that
Electronic Components is not penetrated
by semiconductors, resistors,
AAssociazione Nazionale Fornitori Elettronica capacitors, connectors, wireless
and many other components
China China Electronics Distributor Alliance
technologies ”
ElElectronic Components Association l
Yesterday’s Sony is today’s Google and Australia and New Zealand et’sest - the components
tomorrow’s Rising Sun. But how does that industry in general and distribution in
work - a world with more electronic devices EElectronic Components Industry Association particular live in a very delicate situation.
than ever should use less energy? on the one hand everyone needs them, on
It probably doesn’t but the alternative is EElectronic Components Supply Network the other hand they retain very little space
worse: without energy saving and less for commercial and financial maneuvering
material consumption we would hit the dead EElectronic Industries Association of India - despite all the innovation and technical
end even faster. advancement they bring to the party.
FaFachverband der Bauelemente Distribution And it will become worse - energy saving,
In other words, we live in a world in which FEDELEC - Tunisia health, convenience (lighting), transportation
human behavior can change everything Tuisian Federation of Electric - there is no area in our daily lives that is not
nand Electronic Industries
and in which important decisions for our penetrated by semiconductors, resistors,
future at large and for the saving of this capacitors, connectors, wireless and many
Japan Japan Electronic Products Importers Association
closed loop system called Earth have to be other components technologies and is not
SE - Sweden
made. Electronics innovation will play a The Swedish Electronics Trade Associations about to be even more dependent on them.
critical role, without doubt. No smart city, 14Even if you disregard the digital consumer
no sustainability concept, no transport SSyndicat Professionnel de la Distribution CH world with all its gadets - Smartphones,
revolution will work without it. Splendid en Electronique Industrielle -MAR Tablets, Phoblets, Giant-TVs, Multimedia-
prospects for our industry then, whose UAR headsets and many other that we do not
business model is based for 50 years on BR yet know - there is enough microelectronics
FE 1