Page 36 - AVE2_2014
P. 36
Internatial Di
onsof Electronics Association
the principle of delivering 25% globally, more than twice
more innovation and technical its share of the total market
variety for less money. The (according to iSupply).
expectation of consumers and
industrial customers likewise is This does not necessarily mean
INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONICS that this goes on forever and that innovation equals eternal
electronics must cost next to growth, as we all experienced
nothing despite all the added since Fukushima in March
functionality and complexity. 2011, regardless of oEM or
A Smartphone is a technical Distribution. Since that time
masterpiece, and no one cares, the European components
unless the damn thing doesn’t market is tumbling along, at
work. looking at this situation an admittedly high level, 2013
from the inside out makes you brought a small growth in the
think how long this (self-inflicted) low single-digit percentage
squaring of the circle will be range (mostly thanks to a
going on without going wrong. fantastic Q4). Wait a minute!
This moderate growth as mainly
determined by over-capacity “Splendi prospects
in the semiconductor industry dfor our industry then,
and subsequently massive price whose business model
erosion, the volume growth is is based for 50 years on
much more positive. the principle of delivering
di attività e servizi more innovation and
In other words, there is healthy
per Associazioni technical variety for
e gruppi d’imprese demand but unfortunately more less money
supply - a classical buyers
market, except in some
So far it has driven a capability exclusive niches. The market
readiness of innovation that is law tells us that in situations
unprecedented in human history where there is too much of the
and of which no clear end is in same, price beats innovation.
sight either. And it does not stop But even in a world, where
at regions where Smartphones, presumably over 50% of the
Tablets or Headsets are available components are
produced. custom or application specific?
Europe’s components looking at online catalogues,
consumption share of the we find tens of millions of
highly innovative automotive different devices - the land of
or industrial market is at milk and honey for the engineer
Source: dMaSS