Page 38 - AVE2_2014
P. 38
Internatial Di
onsof Electronics Association
What an interesting year 2013 has been!
INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONICS by Gary Kibblewhite Just to remind readers. If you would like 4Th qTR. 2013 TOTAL COMPONENTS TBooking, billing & Book:bill ratio Graphic T1
SUPPLIERS to have the original graphics used in this
article just email to the IDEA secretary at FORTRONIC
electronics forum
The IDEA statistics are taken from actual
bookings and billings returns made by a enjoy theelectroniccommunity
substantial percentage of the electronic
component distributors in Europe,
including all the major distribution
groups. Their sales represent Circa
70% of the total European distribution
market so the trends shown are truly Assciazione Nazionle
representtive. oaFornitori Elettronica
aThese graphics include the revision to
T the quarterly stats made 24.2.1 Internatial Dit
onsof Electronics Association
recovery is still not stable enough for beenew
improved enormously compared commentators to feel conident that component industry with Q4 a growth in the book:bill ratio from
with the prior quarter they achieved the recovery will continue to improve 2013 ending a good year. 0.99: 1.00 last quarter to 1.06: 1.00
no growth when compared to the at the same pace. this quarter. INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONICS SUPPLIERS
prior year. Graphic T-6 shows that the rate “ Ttal European
one reason for this concern is that of growth i sales
odi attivtàECONOMIC BACKGROUND business Investment rate in Non- when compared with last ocomponent sales grew
by 1.4% in 2013 and
ieper Associazioni The Eurozone economy improved Financial corporations continues to grew or remaiso
e gruppi d’imprese enormously in Q4 2013 with stagnate. At least the level didn’t quarter. looking at graphic T-1 bookings by 6% ”
the single currencies four major drop however! one good trend is however, we see that in total billings
economies growing for the first time that of unemployment which appears there was a 4.1% drop over last Not only has the book:bill ratio Consorzio
di attività e
in nearly 3 years. This is good news to have peaked and is starting to quarter but Q4 is normally a lower improved but the actual booking sper Associazioni e gruppi d’imprese
but should be seen in context as the drop. quarter. More important is the fact levels in Q4 were strong with, as you
that over the full year 2013 there was can see in Graphic T-2, all countries
a growth of 1.4% in billings. A good showing a growth in bookings when 4Th qTR. 2013 TOTAL COMPONENTS Booking trend Graphic T2
result even if the growth rate started compared with the same quarter last
to decline a little in the second half year with the average growth of all
of the year. It was also good to see regions topping 6%. Whereas Italy electronics forum
4Th qTR. 2013 TOTAL COMPONENTS Tendential index by country Graphic T6 enjoy theelectroniccommunity
electronics forum Assciaone
ooFornitori Elettronica
enjoy theelectroniccommunity
International Distribution of Electronics Association
Assciazione Nazionle
oaFornitori Elettronica
onsof Electronics Association
Source: eurostat
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per Associazioni e gruppi d’imprese