Page 41 - AVE2_2014
P. 41


Internatial Di
onsof Electronics Association 

which paper documents can be genuine part goes outside 
News from Sweden 
counterfeited and the amount of authorized channel 
administrative overhead. 

The final issue involves quality/ 
Scandinavian ElEctronicS by Lena Norder    
verification/testing goes to performance and has two SE
INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONICS the heart of the question:  Is the parts-one involving the packaging, EvEnt - S.E.E.  
SUPPLIERS Soon coming up: the Trade Association 
component genuine? It is the next handling and storage and the Scandinavian Electronics 
logical issue once the definition other involving used parts. The 
Event - S.E.E., 8 - 10 April in 
of “counterfeit part” has been key point in this discussion is Stockholm (Kista), is the largest 
determined. Genuineness is that the part in question is usually and most important trade show 

presumed if the part is purchased genuine and not counterfeit (at for the professional electronics 
from a legally authorized source.  least, in the traditional sense). While industry in the Nordic countries. 
This event is held every other 
Parts purchased from unauthorized verification/testing may prove the 
sources, however, increase the risk year. It is initiated by the Swedish 
part is genuine, such procedures Electronics Trade Association, with 
that the parts may be counterfeit often cannot confirm quality when Stockholmsmass as co-partner. 

and, therefore, must be subject the part’s performance may be anThe association and its member 
to verification/testing procedures adversely affected by improper companies have worked with activities and the annual Swedish 
devotion and determination to Embedded Award. For the second 
to ascertain whether the parts packaging, handling, and storage create this new and improved 
are genuine or counterfeit. While or by prior use. ECIA’s position is year ECS will be held in the 
business arena for the industry, “Silicon Valley of Scandinavia”, at 
veriication/testing methodologies that used parts must always be launched for the first time in April Kistamässan in Stockholm. 
may prove a part is genuine, disclosed to the customer as used. 2010. 

there are several other issues Without such disclosure, verification The location Kista Science City is 
that cannot be answered by such and traceability may not provide among the greatest ICT-cluster in notES from thE markEt 
Consorzio the world, after Silicon Valley and 
di attività e servizi methodologies: adequate notice and protection to Telecom andi
•	 customers. Bangalore. There are more than both very interesting idustries and 
per Associazioni 5600 companies in Kista area nthey connect an ie
e gruppi d’impres accurate and 1100 of them are in the field dm
eof ICT. More than 1100 scientists and more. In January the Swedish 
•	 ECIA has been working with telecom giant Ericsson announced 
•	 regulators and standards bodies and 6800 students are situated an agreement with AT&T to 
in Kista.    
•	 to address these issues and to See more: improve connectivity for products 
handled and stored aggressively represent the views and applications that are powered 
by the Ericsson Connected Vehicle 
•	 and positions of the authorized Cloud. Connected Vehicle Cloud 
used parts electronic components supply EmbEddEd confErEncE 
is based on Ericsson’s Service 
chain. The association strongly Scandinavia Enablement Platform, providing 
Another emerging issue is believes that buying from legally Another event on the agenda is drivers and passengers with 

traceability. How do you show/ authorized sources is the best the Embedded Conference access to applications directly 
prove a chain of custody for the part Scandinavia, coming up Nov from a screen in the car. 
solution for minimizing the risk to 4-5 at Kistamassan, Stockholm. Examples of consumer services 
from the component manufacturer customers of acquiring counterfeit 
to the customer?  In many cases, This will be the ninth edition include the ability to detect vehicle 
electronic components. of Embedded Conference repair issues, automatically book 
an electronic component may Scandinavia, the two-day service appointments, subscribe 
to in-vehicle W-Fi, ad on- 
pass through many hands before ECIA has a task force that is conference that covers all the hot 
it reaches the end customer. considering a number of proposals topics in the world of embedded. indemand infotainment. 
ECS has grown steadily each year The solution is enhanced by 
Traceability affects warranty regarding distributor authorization, since its start and has developed its ability to send and receive 
coverage, product notifications including a possible certiication 
into a leading international event information from third-party 
and product liability; but not usually process. In addition, the association offering a world-class conference, ecosystems players, such as 
genuineness of the product. operates www.ECIAauthorized. a compact exhibition with the satellite radio content providers, 

com as the industry’s only unbiased leading companies and the road authorities, and city and 
Even with complete traceability, latest technology, popular social government sites. 
inventory search website that only 
there are several unresolved issues: features authorized components.  

handled and stored Finally, the association recently 
tightened its criteria for distributor 
divisions and/or locations within membership by requiring 100% of 

the same company a member’s published in card to be 
•	 authorized.

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