Page 43 - AVE2_2014
P. 43
Internatial Di
onsof Electronics Association
Fortronic UK
“ In Italy hom
centers that have a great with two new media partners global electronics, production,
influence on neighboring supporting us, irstly Electronic components & systems
, theeof Fortronic, there were
provinces of Gansu, Sichuan, Speciier who joined us at the applications community 5 successful Fortronic
Shanxi, Ningxia and Hubei. end of last year are irmly in together in South Africa, events in 2013
The insufficient supply chain place for this year, secondly meet local and international
service obstacles the area’s we are very excited to have suppliers with products and
R&D activities driven by the full support of the IED services to improve your oxford base, with the first
the relocation of R&D and (Institute of Engineering companies productivity. Forum taking place on the
manufacturing facilities and Design) who open the doors 9th of September and other di attività e servizi
locations being reviewed. “ A succes
the move from military to civic to a new community for us”. per Associazioni
industries.” e gruppi d’impresFortronic Lite event was
Motiv8 also start the year This years’ forums will held in CpeTown
UK with a revised web platform continue for the 5th year a South Africa in 2013
2013 concluded with a record showcasing a new blog / focusing on lED & lighting
year for Fortronic Forums news channel with a weekly Design, RF & Wireless
(organized by Motiv8), with e-newsletter now going out to This is a great opportunity Design and Power &
both sponsorship support and circa 3,400 UK recipients. to network with industry Power Management, with
attendee levels reaching an The first 2014 UK Fortronic professionals, listen to a wide the addition of Sensor
all-time high. Forum will take place on Technologies as a new topic.
range of presentations and
March 25th at the Williams technical content, see new Additionally media support
interest has risen says
With 2014 well underway F1 HQ in oxford and will be product launches and learn
this theme is set to continue covering LED & Lighting about cost saving equipment Marketing Director harvey
Osborn “It’s clear that the
with the conirmed addition of Design. and techniques.
Manchester being added to format works and the word
the already well-established SOUTh AFRICA Running from 11th - 12th is spreading, we start 2014
A successful Fortronic Lite March 2014 and moving to a
event was held in Cape Town new location of the Gallagher
South Africa in 2013. Convention Centre in Midrand
The pictures show an attentive this will be the third edition in
audience for the technical a national format. As well as
seminars. a host of technical content,
Fortronic will be running an
The only event that brings the event within the event.
Fortronic Italy